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Participation Rubric for Discussion Sessions

Participation evaluates your active contribution to class discussion. Attendance has no positive influence on the participation grade, but can have a negative influence since, when absent, you are not there to participate.


Good participation follows the following guidelines:

  • It starts with choosing a quote from the reading and pointing to it in class.

  • It connects the ideas in the quote to one of the following:

    • Text to argument: how the quote relates to other parts of the text.

    • Text to text: how the quote relates to other assigned readings.

    • Text to world: how the quote relates to the real world.

    • Text to self: how the quote relates to personal experience.

  • Repeat at will.

Also helpful for participation…

  • Respond to comments by other students and ask relevant questions.


Regular participation (almost every class period) with frequent references to the texts in comments and questions. Questions regarding the text start with a short summary of the relevant part in the reading. Participation shows familiarity with the text.


Occasional participation that follows the indications above or regular participation that shows limited familiarity with the text.


Rare participation or participation that shows poor or no familiarity with the text. Participates only when prompted.


Participation limited to occasional comments with little or no reference to the text. Does not have any meaningful comments even when prompted.

At the instructor’s discretion, complete lack of participation can reduce the grade to zero.

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